DAY 5 (continued 3)

Back to Best Western to recharge phone and change clothes to attend the evening lighting ceremony at Mount Rushmore.

Weather was questionable.
Was advised to wear warmer clothes, bring a jacket, and umbrella. Good thing I paid attention even though the tour guide kept saying positive statements about the rain passing over or going on the other side of the mountains.
I saw the lightening, but he said it was far off.

After watching a short video about the monument we made our way to the viewing area where it immediately started to pour rain with a cold wind. As we sat huddled the announcement was made that the program was being cancelled but the lighting would still take place.

This was before the rain. The sky was beautiful.

Lights on and in the rain, but so glad I got to see it.
Our guide took us to that tunnel we saw in the daylight. Camera doesn’t do justice, but you can see Mt. Rushmore framed by the tunnel.

Then we were returned to our rooms for the night.
I stopped at the bar; thought I wanted a Redd’s Apple Ale but it was not available so I had a Coor’s and got to my room exhausted; it was a long day!

Need to be up early again DAY 6 for daylight tour of Mt. Rushmore and then to Crazy Horse Monument — another busy day ahead.